Do we listen to the words of songs more than the words of our Father? Are they the same? Do we bother to examine closely like scripture commands us to do?
Tenth Avenue North has a song on the radio that makes my hair stand on end. And not in a good way. Here are the lyrics:
Why are you striving these days?/ Why are you trying to earn grace?/ Why are you crying?/ Let me lift up your face, just don't turn away/Why are you looking for love?
Maybe, at first glance, we don’t see the problem with these lyrics. They sound nice…..relevant…..truthful. But are they? Does the bible tells us the same message that the songwriter is telling us?
One of my biggest pet peeves these days is “the bible according to smorgasbord theology”. What that means is making a truth statement by picking a verse or two, excising it from context and ignoring all other verses on the subject. For instance, lets just reason through what the lyrics above are saying. The questions imply that there is nothing you can do to be pleasing to our Heavenly Father more than we are doing now. And any attempts to obey Him are attempts to “earn” His favor. After all, no “work” is required, right? Just “love”. And He loves us just like we are, nothing could change that and nothing could make Him love us any more than He already does.
I would say that we all need to go back to the bible and stop getting our truth from song lyrics. On that day when we stand before YHVH, are we going to use the excuse, “but the song said………..”. I hope we all know that lyrics are not the standard used on judgment day. The living, active, sharp, perfect, beautiful Torah of our Father is the standard by which we will all be measured against. If we’re not surrendered, our sentence will be eternal death. If we are surrendered and “known” by our Father, then how we measure against the life our Savior lived will determine what kind of life we will live for eternity. Our Savior lived out the Torah instructions of our Heavenly Father. Shouldn’t we pay better attention?
Several articles on this site address the different subjects we’ve just touched on so I won’t restate what can be read by clicking on another article. But I will say this. OBEYING OUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS NOT “WORKS” SALVATION. Grace can be earned. The initial grace that saves us is a matter of His choice BUT when He takes up residence, there is an expectation that we obey Him. When we do, His grace brings unimaginable blessings. We did something that earned the reward. Our obedience equals blessings. Now, did I say this or does the bible say this? Before you get offended, I suggest you read the bible on this subject before taking verses out of context and ignoring the totality of scriptural teaching. How about this verse as a contradiction to these lyrics.
“If you love Me, obey My commands”.
To me, the songwriter might respond, “now Jesus, you know I don’t have to do anything. In fact, if I even try, it’s ugly to you, an abomination. I’m trying to earn something and you detest that. So, I’ll read your verse but I really know you don’t mean it. What you really mean is that I need to “love” (feel a warm, nice emotion) for people and you. If I just love, then I’ve done all that you ask.”
I cannot stress enough how deceived this thinking truly is. It will be the death of so many who believe they are saved but could care less about knowing their Heavenly Father and His Messiah. Of course we “strive” to win the prize. Of course we “work out” our salvation. Of course we “labor” for the blessings that come from the promises when we obey. Of course we “turn” from sin (lawlessness) in “repentance” when we are “transformed”. Of course we “count the cost” of following the only “Way, Truth and Life” that the bible declares……our living Torah in the flesh! And He never said we didn’t have to do anything. He said just the opposite!
John 6:27 Labour (Strong's g2038 "to earn by working") not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for Him hath God the Father sealed.